Maintenance Positions

Make sure supplies stay stocked. Let maintenance personnel know if a toilet is not functioning properly.

Ensure the site is clean after ball games are finished. Use tongs to pick up garbage, cigarette butts, bottle caps, etc. Double check to make sure washrooms are locked, and collect lost and found.

Collect garbage and any lost and found items from the woods. Use tongs to pick up objects and place in a bucket.

 Control a power washing wand without damaging the surface being washed to remove dirt, scum, moss, etc.

Assist in repairs to the irrigation specialist. Replacement or repair fixtures or piping seals or o-rings. May also include gluing of pipe or working with metal pipe.

Replace or repair of fixtures or piping seals or o-rings. Possible gluing of pipe or working with metal pipe.

Community recreation centre in Duncan, British Columbia