Shortcodes: Charts

Charts shortocode allows you to easily insert charts into your blog. While multipurpose, the chart system is intended to make it easy for posting detailed review measurements of some sort, such as poll data, video card comparisons, sports scores, etc. You specify the names of the devices being measured, the tests performed, and each device's measurements for said test.

3D round pie

The most popularity internet browser

The most popularity internet browser

Charts: 2D round pie

The most popularity internet browser

The most popularity internet browser

Line Chart

The most popularity internet browser

The most popularity internet browser

Bar Chart

Monthly sales growth

Monthly sales growth

Cowichan Sportsplex

Cowichan Sportsplex

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To book a field at the Cowichan Sportsplex please email rentals@cowichansportsplex or visit the booking page under the “Play” tab.



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